Who are your cheerleaders?

Dear Reader ,

I'm not sure if you've been watching the Olympics, but I do enjoy watching the family and friends of the athletes in the crowd, cheering their loved ones on. It's really highlighted to me, how much the athletes value their presence.

I came to the conclusion that having a cheerleader in life in general is a real bonus. Their support, listening ear, giving you suitable challenge when you need it - holding you to account, can be a real blessing.

Who are your cheerleaders?

As we know, getting out of debt, saving an emergency fund, paying off the mortgage, working towards your money goals can be hard work. There are times when I have felt bored with staying home when everyone is going away. I see people eating out and we're home with beans and rice ...again! It can get you down. It's normal to feel that way.

That's why I believe that we need to surround ourselves with people who will cheer us on.

Your Children

Our children can be our biggest supporters.

Our daughter is always telling me which products offer more value. Recently, at the grocery store, I almost bought our regular hand soap, when our daughter pointed out a cheaper one. The same size but cheaper! (It probably didn't help that I didn't have my glasses on!!)

There are plenty of ways to make your money goals fun for the entire family. Have your children help you plan your meals, shop for the best deals and you could even take up a family savings challenge.

Your Family

I know that talking about money to your family isn't always easy. However, telling them about your money goals will really help around birthdays, Christmas and days out. Once they understand, they may appreciate what you're doing!

You never know, once you start talking about your mission, they may even join you!

Your Colleagues

Again, money can be a tricky conversation to talk about. But if you’re used to going out with your colleagues for lunch, it would be a good time to let them know your money goals and why you are taking a packed lunch instead of eating out.


Working towards joint money goals, that have been created together, is a great way for your family to work as a team. I know from experience, that the teamwork brings you together like nothing else!

For four years we saved to go to Disney World Florida. It was a team mission. No days out, no holidays (vacations), if we went out to a coffee shop, it was either a drink or a snack - not both!

Everyone knew our why - friends and family. They knew that we couldn't join them for take aways or trips to restaurants. We even had a poster with 'WHY' written in the middle, with pictures of Disney all around it. It was a great topic of conversation when people came to the house!

And once we had enough money, it was awesome! The sense of delayed gratification was huge. But we only got there because we were each other's cheerleaders. We celebrated every step of the way - together!

And when we got back, our friends and family were super excited to hear all about Disney - because they knew how hard we had worked to get there!

So my question for you today is: Who are your cheerleaders? Who is cheering you on & encouraging you to achieve your money goal? Send them a message today & thank them for their support!

All my best,

P.S I personally read and answer your emails.

P.P.S. When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

  1. Read my blogs on personal finance.
  2. Get my personal 1:1 help with your Intentional Spending Plan: Get your dream life!
  3. Need a cheerleader on your team? Let me help you with 1:1 personal support, to help you reach your money goals over three months, check out my Financial Success Coaching Programme.
  4. If you're married, check out my signature framework: Discover Financial Success As A Married Couple
  5. If you'd like to find out more about how I can help you personally, hit reply and let's schedule a 30 minute, complimentary call.

Money and Marriage

Hi, my name is Karen and I am a Finance Coach and blogger. I specialise in helping couples talk about money - without arguing. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for practical tips on how you can make your money go further so that you can live your best life!

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