I offer a five week ‘How To Get On The Same Financial Page As Your Spouse' Coaching Programme.

It's perfect in helping you to understand your spouse when it comes to money… and supporting you both as you get on the same financial page!

Over the five weeks, we'll discuss your money stories, where you are now and where you want to be.

By listening to your partner and understanding where they are coming from, you will gain insights on why they behave they do and how you can work together as a team.

I believe that you'll find it very valuable.

Ultimately, we'll be talking about our money stories (many people don't ever talk about their money stories - where their beliefs and values come from).

We'll learn that you and your money stories are not intertwined. The course will challenge you to question the beliefs that you grew up with and  who you want to be in the next chapter of your life.

It might be that you weren't good with money growing up but now you're changing that.

Whatever your story was, you can ask yourself do you want to change that story.

You have more control over your story and your money than you can possibly imagine!

The coaching is open to all couples - no matter the length of time they may have been together!

My aim is for it to be like going to a friend's house for coffee, sitting on the comfy sofa and having an honest and open chat about what we believe about money and where those beliefs come from.

Just think, a year from now, you’re going to be a year older. Will you be living the life you want?

Click on the link below and let's get started!