10 Essential Money Questions to Ask Before Saying “I Do!

Hi Reader ,

I hope you’re having a great week!

As we all know, planning a wedding is an exciting time full of love and anticipation. However, amidst all the planning, one of the most important things couples often overlook is discussing money. We all want to build a future full of love and joy, and guess what? Being on the same page about finances plays a huge role in that!

Whether you’re newly engaged, about to get married, or know someone who is, I’ve put together 10 essential money questions to ask your partner BEFORE getting married. These aren’t just for the “big talk” but are designed to get the conversations flowing, so there are no surprises once you’ve said, “I do!”

Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the questions you’ll want to dive into:

1. What are your earliest memories of money? Understanding your partner’s financial background can help you see how their experiences shaped their current money habits. Were they raised in a household that saved carefully, or one that spent freely? Knowing this can help you build a strong financial future together.

This is one of the first questions that I ask my clients when we work together. It's always exciting to explore where we have come from and where we want to get to in terms of our personal finances.

2. How do you feel about debt? Debt is often one of the trickiest topics to discuss. Does your partner have debt? If so, what is their plan for managing it? By talking about this openly, you can work together towards financial goals instead of letting it become a point of contention.

3. How much do you earn? It might feel awkward, but transparency about income is crucial. Understanding how much you both bring to the table will help you make informed decisions about your future, from budgeting to saving for big milestones.

4. What do you prioritise spending money on? This question gets to the heart of what matters most to your partner. Do they love to splurge on tech gadgets or prefer saving for holidays? Knowing each other’s priorities helps ensure you’re aligned on what’s most important to both of you.

5. What are your long-term financial goals? This is one of the most important questions of all! Whether you’re saving for a house, planning to travel, or looking ahead to retirement, aligning your goals will give you a clear direction as a couple.

These are just five of the ten questions I think every couple should ask each other before they get married, but there’s plenty more to discuss. Remember, the goal isn’t to find out who’s right or wrong—it’s about learning to work together towards financial harmony.

If you haven’t had these conversations yet, don’t worry—it’s never too late to start! Grab a coffee, sit down with your partner, and work through these questions one by one. The stronger your financial foundation is before marriage, the easier it will be to handle challenges down the road.

Share the love! Know someone who’s about to get married or might find this helpful? Share this email with them! Let’s help more couples set themselves up for success by having these important money conversations early on.

Feeling inspired? Reply to this email and let me know which of these questions sparked the best conversations for you! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Remember: Financial transparency and teamwork are essential ingredients for a happy, long-lasting marriage. It’s not always the easiest conversation to have, but it’s one of the most rewarding.

Stay tuned for more tips and insights in next week’s email!


P.S I personally read and answer your emails.

P.P.S. When you're ready, here's how I can help you:

  1. Read my blogs on personal finance.
  2. Get my personal 1:1 help with your Intentional Spending Plan: Get your dream life!
  3. Need a cheerleader on your team? Let me help you with 1:1 personal support, to help you reach your money goals over three months, check out my Financial Success Coaching Programme.
  4. If you're married, check out my signature framework: Discover Financial Success As A Married Couple
  5. If you'd like to find out more about how I can help you personally, hit reply and let's schedule a 30 minute, complimentary call.

Money and Marriage

Hi, my name is Karen and I am a Finance Coach and blogger. I specialise in helping couples talk about money - without arguing. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for practical tips on how you can make your money go further so that you can live your best life!

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